Giancarlo Perbellini
For the gnocchi
200g potatoes
10g cornstarch
8g flour
20g semi-whipped egg white
For the potato cream
100g cream
80g potato pulp
30g butter
salt to taste
Tuna Bottarga
Credits: Marco Di Donato and Arturo Rinaldi
For the gnocchi, boil the potatoes and mash them, then knead them with flour, cornstarch, salt, and a pinch of nutmeg. Once the dough is formed, add the slightly whipped egg white.
Shape the gnocchi into round forms without flattening them with a fork, creating a well in the center to hold the separately whipped potato cream.
To make the potato cream: boil the potatoes, mash them, and mix with the boiled cream using a whisk.
Finally, ensuring thorough mixing to prevent lumps, add the butter and adjust the salt.
The result is a liquid mixture to be passed through a siphon. As an alternative to the siphon, follow the same process for the cream, potatoes, and butter.
However, instead of using the full 100 grams of cream, only 70 grams are boiled. Whip the remaining 30 grams separately and add them to the warm puree.
The gnocchi are then glazed and served with the potato cream and a grated tuna bottarga.
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